Home/Sourdough Bread Workshop & Vegan dinner

Sourdough Bread Workshop & Vegan dinner

This special sourdough bread workshops includes a dinner and a module about making a meat substitute out of gluten. In other words, how do we get “from wheat to meat”. Learn more about the magic of wheat!

What’s that about wheat? If you grind it and separate it into fractions, you can suddenly make meat substitutes from the proteins or surprisingly nice desserts from the starch part. You can germinate, cook or roast the grain. You can brew beer and make other drinks from it. From the flour you make flat breads, pancakes or crackers. If you cook it, it is suddenly called pasta, or a roux and if you feed the invisible life hidden somewhere in those grains in the right way, you can make beautiful leavened loafs, which have a wonderful structure and taste.

For whom?

  • Cooking, bread and vegan lovers
  • Enthusiastic home cooks
  • People with an interest in nutrition & health and sustainability

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Foreknowledge:Not required
Duration:depending on programme
Number of participants:depending on programme
Costs:starting from € 75 per persoon, minimal € 525 per event ( companies price ex VAT).