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Our Lab team

The simplicity of bread making involves complex biological, chemical and physical processes. Making bread is not difficult, but neither is it a piece of cake. In recent decades a lot of scientific effort has been invested in understanding the various processes underlying the bread making process. In our LAB these findings are explained through workshops and educational programs to a general audience. Students from different universities who work in our LAB contribute in an original way to the socially relevant themes nutrition, health and sustainability.

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Renee Clausing (Neurobiology, UvA)
Ferdinand Doumic (Actor)
Lise Kromhout (Forensische orthopedagogiek, UvA)
Arisa Safu (Musician)
Esther van der Meiden (Health Sciences, Clinical research , VU)
Leonie Wegertseder (Artist, Gerrit Rietveld Academie)
Iza Muller (Artificial Intelligence, UU)
Zilva van Rossum (Ecologie, UvA)
Janine Kers (Liberal Arts & Sciences, AUC)
Janine Plaisier (UvA, EVY psycholoog, onderzoeker, taarten en advies)
Jechiam Gural (Initiatiefnemer Baking Lab, UvA, biologie)