Gamification & Co-Creation

I Co-creation, E-learningWe use the QandR application to support our workshops and co-creation sessions. The application suits the modern way people communicate and the possibilities that mobile phones have to offer. Our participants become more actively…

Wheat Clock

Cooking and baking is about transforming food and in our bakery we use ovens to investigate these changes. One day the idea arose to put the peel of an orange (residual product from our cafe)…

Educational and Circular Bakery Lab

Meet: Baking Lab  an inspiring Bakkers Lab, run by young people with a social mission   We are an educational, interactive and circular bakery lab Baking Lab began in Amsterdam in 2017 as an educational…


function delegateCalendarClicks() { // Delegate click on calendar cell to its corresponding anchor on smaller viewports (< 640px wide) in portrait orientation. //, 20220913 for Baking Lab, Amsterdam. if (window.outerWidth < 640 && window.outerWidth…

Privacy statement

I Introduction In this privacy statement you can read everything about how your personal data is collected and how it is handled, your rights with regard to your data and how you can use those…

= Health Sustainability?

Nutrition, health and sustainability are important subjects. In our LAB we try to connect these topics by using our scientific knowledge and creative drive. The knowledge we acquire through out the process is applied in…

Cancellation Policy & Rebook Workshops

IntroductionThe following terms and conditions apply to bookings for workshops (or other classes) via our website and our cashier desk. For team building, group bookings, custom assignments and bookings from other websites check also our…