Order the sourdough starter we use in our bakery from our webshop or purchase it in our shop in Amsterdam. Discover more sourdough baking resources on our website, and don’t forget to explore our sourdough…
Get your fresh sourdough starter from our bakery…
Order the sourdough starter we use in our bakery from our webshop or purchase it in our shop Information about activation and maintenance of the starter can be found below. You can pick up an…
Our bakery shop and deli
In addition to (organic) bread flour, other baking ingredients and utensils are available in our store. Some of our – protein rich – flours are typically suitable for baking bread. Some of our – heritage…
Sourdough bread
We sell a variety of artisan breads in Amsterdam. French sourdough, occasionaly German rye and also whole wheat sourdough breads. We experiment with different flour types, varying from mainstream white bread flour to ancient whole…