DIY: Baking Lab Bread Mix

The magic of making bread at home has been rediscovered by many during these coronial times, see also Parool newspaper April 2, 2020 (Dutch). Many citizens of Amsterdam are also trying to master the art…

Gift cards

Download a gift card and add some nice words to your present!Return to the purchase a gift voucher page.Download card in high quality 

Cooking Workshops and Pop Up dinners in Amsterdam

Now and then we offer or host other cooking classes, tasting events or pop-up dinners. These events tap more into fermentation, plant based diets or vegetarian food.ExamplesPopping up plantsItalian slow food eveningItalian food tastingJapanese dinner:…

Cooking Classes in Amsterdam

Now and then we offer or host other cooking workshops as wel as tasting events or pop-up dinners. Some of these events tap more into fermentation, plant based diets or vegetarian cooking.Popping up plantsItalian slow…

Workshops & Events Calendar

We offer weekly workshops, both during the day and in the evening. Some are short, while others are longer. Some are suitable for beginners, while others are for more advanced participants. During the day, groups…

Sourdough Bread Workshop & Vegan dinner

This special sourdough bread workshops includes a dinner and a module about making a meat substitute out of gluten. In other words, how do we get “from wheat to meat”. Learn more about the magic…

Gift voucher

You can use the gift voucher for any workshop or event on our website. The voucher will either cover the entire cost for the event or provide a discount during the checkout procedure. Workshops are…