Order the sourdough starter we use in our bakery from our webshop or purchase it in our shop
- Information about activation and maintenance of the starter can be found below.
- You can pick up an active fresh sourdough starter in our bakery, or order it in our webshop.
- We appreciate it if you bring your own jar when you buy the sourdough starter in our shop in Amsterdam. 🙂
- The price for the sourdough starter is 5.5 euro’s per portion, excluding handeling and shipping costs for online orders via our webshop.
- Sourdough map. You can let us know where our sourdough culture is going to live and show others how we help “rewild the environment” on the sourdough map.
- Read more about the sourdough starter we deliver.
- The sourdough starter (note the word starter) that we send is maintained daily in our bakery (labor), hand-weighed, and packaged before being brought to the post office (handling costs). The weight of the sourdough starter we send may vary.
- Working with sourdough requires knowledge, experience, and skills (it is not comparable to a packet of yeast from the supermarket). The exact weight of an active sourdough starter is not particularly relevant to starting the process. Starting with less sourdough starter can even benefit the subsequent process. Sourdough is something you build up from the starter, allowing it to thrive during the feeding process by refreshing it with fresh water and flour.Â
order sourdough starter in our webshop
- Sourdough news updates
- Sourdough fairy tales, research by Micropia Artis and Baking Lab
If you want to learn more about sourdough, you can sign up below for workshop news updates. Below you will find also some initial tips to maintain your sourdough starter. We have different – bread – flours in stock in our shop, also to feed the sourdough starter. Watch this video-tutorial in case you want to start with an easy way to bake bread.
Shipping of of an active and fresh sourdough starter also available via our webshop.
I General activation and maintenance of the sourdough starter
Please note that if you ordered the sourdough starter through our webshop, it was mixed with some flour to create a drier dough ball before shipping. To get started, begin by dissolving it in a small amount of lukewarm water, then proceed with the standard procedures to build, activate, and nurture your sourdough culture.
You can store your sourdough starter in the refrigerator for an extended period, especially if you dehydrate the liquid starter before refrigeration. Feeding your refrigerated starter (warm for about 3 hours at +/- 26 °C , see below for more info) once a week is sufficient, but longer is also fine. Your starter will last for a long time in the refrigerator and can often be revived again after weeks. You can also dehydrate your starter to conserve it for longer periods of time.
Keep a little amount of starter in the refrigerator, because you will grow and feed your starter later to prepare and ripen it further before making your bread. It’s a game you will have to learn to play. Feed the sourdough starter with – T65 French – flour. Occasionally, you can also add a little (+/- 5%) whole wheat or rye flour to keep your starter on on a flavourful of the beaten track. More extensive information about activating and maintaining your starter is also available here.
II Revive your sourdough to prepare it for baking?
Suppose you have 100 grams of starter (paste), feed it with approx. 100 ml gr of water and 100 grams of T65 flour (available at Baking Lab). Always feed your starter equal parts water and flour. you can feed your starter by adding twice as much flour and water, 3 times as much … up till 10 times as much.
Leave it to ferment for approximately 3-5 hours (or until bubbly and mildly acidic). Throw out half and repeat this “doubling” again and let it stand for another 4 at about 26 °C (or until bubbly and mildly acidic).
Make sure you revive your starter in time (before making the sourdough), i.e. start a few hours or a day before you actually make your sourdough by feeding and reviving your starter at about 26 °C, creating a lively and ripened sourdough.
You can use the sourdough straight away or put it in the refrigerator and then repeat the process the following day. A few feeding rounds should give your starter the strength it needs to lift a flavourful natural fermented bread.Â
Your revived starter or ripe sourdough should taste pleasant and only mildly sour. It might remind you of buttermilk, yogurt and sometimes it has fruity notes, often when rye flour is involved in feeding your starter. The longer you ferment your sourdough for, the more acidic it becomes, which is something you want to prevent. Conditions vary and your sourdough culture will adapt and change over time. You will have to use your senses too and learn when your starter is ready to go. Mastering this art might take some time…
More extensive information about activating and maintaining your starter is also available here.
A stop motion visualisation of the activity of an “identical” microbal sourdough starter that was refreshed (fed) at different intervals (balloon colours).
For each pair of balloons (color) , the left bottle has no salt and the right bottle contains 2% salt.
The CO2 gas released during fermentation into the balloons is an indication of the fermentation activity and speed.
Video: The mixtures of the “identical” starter cultures:
- 14% sourdough starter
- T65 wheat flour
- Hydration 72%
- Balloon pairs (with and without salt (2%)
- (Blue balloons) daily refreshed starter
- (Yellow balloons) starter refreshed once a week
- (Red balloons) Starter kept in the fridge for weeks without refreshments
- The retarding effect of salt is clearly visible (right bottles).
- Daily refreshed starter is most active (blue).
- Starter that has been in the refrigerator for weeks without being refreshed shows no more activity.
Learn more in one of our workshops
Event | Venue | Date | |
Intermediate: Sourdough Workshop March [Thu Evening 17:30-20:30 Experience Required] | Baking Lab Amsterdam |
Sold Out |
News flash
- Elise bakt beter dankzij de wetenschap (Dutch, read more)…
- Sugar, friend or enemy?
- Parool Newspaper: In quarantaine slaat heel Nederland Massaal aan het brood bakken
- Micropia Artis &Baking Lab sourdough Research
- Seven questions, interviews about baking
- Inspiring place for young people
- More information about sourdough starters
Sourdough recipes and maintanance
Beside bread you can use our starter to make all kind of baked goods. Check King Arthurs sourdough recipes here. More extensive information about activating and maintaining your starter is also available here.
Ship once a week via our webshop: Monday tuesday wednesday thursday friday saturday sunday
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Tienda de Masas de Madr pão de massa fermentada Introdução ao cozimento de massa fermentado: domine o iniciante de fermento Notre levain liquide issu du savoir-faire de la Maison
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