News posts

Het Klokhuis TV: Rising

Wednesday February 1, 2023 we appeared in Het Klokhuis, a TV program that has been very popular with children for decades. We were very happy to participate in the broadcast about “rising”. In the episode,…


A sweet and scientific journey for children in the gardens of Jeugdland People’s interest in bees goes back to ancient times. The honey that bees produce has long been a popular sweetener. When people started…

Interesting facts about bees

Science Weekend The Netherlands, Bees and Bread. Sunday 2 October 2022 Bees, Bread & Energy A bee colony is a superorganism. It has a very high calorie requirement. In summer, a bee colony consists of about 50-60,000…

Brood & Bijen op Jeugdland (Weekend van de…

Een zoete wetenschappelijke ontdekkingsreis voor kinderen in de Hemelse tuinen op Jeugdland ( De voormalige kinderboerderij Jeugdland Amsterdam is mede door door Roos Kuipers omgevormd tot stadslandbouwgebied. De Hemelse Tuin is inmiddels een groene oase…

Three Loaves – Three Sounds

Check also our new sourdough theme workshop, made for participants who already have experience with baking and want to learn more about the underlying principles. This workshop includes food and drinks. [1] The Knife [2]…