Make your own fresh pizza at home… With a little help from us!
There are more ways that lead to a good Pizza. Below are two video’s with instructions.
Good to know. Our Pizza sauce is made from slow cooked fresh ingredients!
Method 1 (text at the bottom of the page)
Method 2
Simulate a professional pizza oven at home in two steps
Baking a pizza at home is simple, but every oven is different and therefore bakes differently. In the video below we show you how someone bakes a pizza at home. Discover the best place in your oven for a good crust or to melt your cheese and get to know your own oven.
Method 1:
- Before baking ensure the dough has come up to room temperature.
- Preheat your oven to 230 degrees. Place a flat baking tray inside, let this get nice and hot.
- Get your baking sheet / surface and flour this generously. Sprinkle some flour on the dough and roll out with a rolling pin (a wine bottle also works) to about 1cm thickness – it’ll rise in the oven. The dough may spring back but applying more pressure will maintain its shape!
- Once your dough is evenly rolled out, apply the pizza sauce on top and spread to 2 cm from the rim.
- Take out the preheated baking tray from the oven, and carefully place the pizza and baking sheet beneath onto the tray.
- Place in the oven for 4-5 minutes for a pre-bake! This is so the dough can get a head start to prevent a soggy base!
- Take out the pizza after 5 minutes. Oil the crust and add your toppings.
- Bake for another 10-15 minutes